LHSA Season Pass Tickets

indicates a required answer

Season Pass Tickets for Volleyball 2024 are on sale now!

Skip the line, flash your card and use that cash for a burger and nachos instead!!

Enjoy some savings in time and money by purchasing your season pass to all HOME basketball games 2023-2024!

Family Pass price (all immediate family living in same household.)


Individual Pass price:

Adult (under 60): $30

 Student or senior citizen (60+)Pass: $20



Choose your family pass and click submit. You will not be charged at submission. Please pay for your passes when you pick them up at the first game. 

You will need to close the payment screen that comes up. 

1. *

Choose your season passes. To select multiple items, use the CTRL key.

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.
2. *

Number in household (immediate family) that will need a physical pass. This number should reflect only spouse and/orchildren who may attend any games without a parent or guardian Children who do not drive or attend games without a parent or guardian who has a pass do not need a separate pass.

 (Please purchase additional tickets for grandparents and other family members. )

3. *

First and Last name of purchaser