Statement of Purpose Lighthouse Home School Athletics (LHSA) is a program of STEP (Southeast Texas Educational Partnership) a nonprofit, incorporated, Christian service organization, and is established to provide homeschool students the opportunity to participate in competitive sports in a Christian atmosphere. LHSA, with all of its activities, is committed to modeling and teaching Christian character traits, along with good sportsmanship.
LHSA Eligibility Requirements Player Requirements
*A player must be homeschooled. "Homeschooled" means that a player must be receiving his or her primary educational direction through the home.
*A player must be living at home with a parent or guardian.
*A player is ineligible if that player has gone through a homeschool, public school, or private school high school graduation ceremony prior to that season's first game. *A player must be passing all courses in order to participate in a contest or tournament. In performing the role of administrator for the homeschool, the parent is solely responsible for enforcing this rule.
Grade Classifications and Designations
*A player shall become ineligible after 4 years of high school participation. *A player is ineligible to play on a middle school team on the next September 1st following that player’s 15th birthday unless team has been purposed by both coaches and administrators to be a multi-level competitive team.
Expectations “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” *1 Corinthians 10:31
Parent Supervisors
1. Be responsible for their own behavior and also the behavior of their of the members and fans.
2. Lead by example in being respectful of other players, coaches, fans, and officials at all times.
3. Provide a sports environment for their team that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and abusive language at all STEP/LHSA events.
4. Never publicly demean a player, official, opposing coach, or parent.
5. Ensure that the players are supervised by a coach or another designated adult and never allow players to be left unattended or unsupervised at a game or practice.
6. Never knowingly permit an injured player to play or return to the game.
7. Take the initiative in resolving any known or suspected conflict relating to a player or family.
8. Accept positive and negative feedback graciously as from the Lord.
9. Communicate expectations to players and parents.
Players Expectations:
1. Be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players, officials, and coaches with the utmost respect.
2. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
3. Good sportsmanship required at all times (practice and games)
4. Show respect for authority to all officials, whether or not you agree with a call (this includes nonverbals).
5. Respect the privilege of using the facility by cleaning up after yourself, putting equipment away, and picking up trash after practice or a game.
6. Refrain from use of alcohol, tobacco,and illegal drugs.
7. Avoid profanity and speaking negatively or demeaning.
8. Be an Encourager. Build one another up!!!
9. Show up for pgames on time, with proper equipment and ready to play.
10. Communicate to the team coordinator in advance when you will miss a practice or game.
11. Dress in a manner that could not be considered offensive or morally suggestive at all STEP/ LHSA events.
12. Tell the parent supervisor or coordinator of any concerns or problems instead of talking to others about them.
13. Seek to resolve personal conflicts with teammates.