Waiver and release of liability
Type name below to confirm with electronic signature:
By submitting this electronic form, I release STEP and all its directors, teachers, coaches, volunteers and members from all liability relating to any injuries that may occur during participation in any member activity, the enrichment labs provided by its program, CHSEL, Lighthouse Educational Service’s workshops/activities and/or LHSA practices, camps or activities.
By typing my name below, I agree that the submissionn of this form confirms that I and my family agree to hold STEP entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred to me and/or my family members in attendance, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.
I also acknowledge the risks involved in participation in any of the labs, workshops, sports or camps, whether physical activity or other activities are involved or not. These include but are not limited to any personal injury or loss, property damage or loss at any location within the campus of said organization. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in any activity.
With this submission I and my family forfeit all right to bring a suit against STEP or any of its directors, teachers, coaches, volunteers or members for any reason. I and my family will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed. |