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Lighthouse Educational Services is adding member benefits and connecting homeschoolers through a community base. With membership in lighthouse, members will have access to curriculum and homeschool advising, member-only workshops and discounts to many services as well as organizations like HSLDA and THSC. We will not stop adding benefits as long as there are ways we can provide help to southeast Texas homeschool families.

When you request membership with Lighthouse, we will provide a paypal payment option and your membership will be approved upon payment.  

Members of Lighthouse Home School Support are not required to ascribe to all the philosophical or theological elements of our Statement of Faith , however, when participating in any event, program, project, or academics, membership terms require that they understand that said events, programs, projects, and or academics as well as activities sponsored by or hosted by LHHS will be conducted under these precepts and principles and without exception will require members to abide by and adhere to the directives that these principles establish within the organization.

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